John Tschirch, Palaces of Repose: Part 1

August 12, 2020, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Redwood Library and Athenæum

Join the globe trekking architectural historian, John Tschirch, in a visual feast as he lectures on a selection of 17th and 18th century European palaces where images of power played supporting roles to pleasure. Among the palaces included are Drottiningholm, the summer palace of Swedish Queens; Schonbrunn, the “Austrian Versailles” for the imperial family near Vienna; Sanssouci and the villas of Prussian princes and princesses in the verdant countryside of Potsdam; and Tsars-koe-Selo, the luxurious retreat of Russian Emperors and Empresses.

Drottningholm: The Wooded Realm of Swedish Queens

Designed for Queen Hedwig Eleonora in the 1662 and expanded by Queen Louisa, who added the exquisite Chinese pavilion in the Rococo taste, Drottningholm is a fairy tale palace set on a lake and embowered in groves of horsechesnut trees.

These architectural and landscape creations allowed for a full reign of fantasy on the part of their patrons and designers, resulting in some of the most innovative and finely crafted works of art in western culture. Each of the palaces in this lecture series has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, encapsulating the history and culture of its age, and practicing sustainable land management and collections conservation.

$15 admission

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Wednesday, August 12, 2020 – 6:00pm to 7:00pm
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